frangula alnus mill


Flora van Nederland: Sporkehout - Frangula alnus

Het zeer algemeen Sporkehout, Frangula alnus Mill., uit de Wegedoornfamilie, vind je in lichte loof- en naaldbossen maar ook in droge tot natte struwelen en moerasbossen en op kapvlakten. Soms zelfs op tamelijk droge en open zandgrond. Het is een kleine struik of boom met een brede ecologische amplitude. Dat noemen we wel een euryoke soort.


Frangula alnus Mill. — The Plant List

Frangula. Frangula alnus Mill. Frangula alnus Mill. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Frangula (family Rhamnaceae). The record derives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on ) which reports it as an accepted name with original publication details: Gard. Dict. ed. 8 1 1768.


:Frangula alnus - ISSG

: Frangula alnus P. Mill. : Rhamnus frangula L., Rhamnus frangula subsp. columnaris hort., Rhamnus frangula var. angustifolia Loud. : alder buckthorn, aulne noir, black buckthorn, European alder buckthorn, frangula, glossy buckthorn, nerprun bourdaine : (Frangula alnus),,7, ...


Trušljika (Frangula alnus)

Karakteristike. Trušljika, krušina ili obična krkavina (Frangula alnus Mill., sin. Rhamnus frangula L.) je listopadni grm ili niže stablo iz porodice krkavina (Rhamnaceae).Naraste do 6 m tvoreći dobro razvijen korijenov sustav. Kora je u početku zelena, kasnije posmeđi, prekrivena izduženim, sivobijelim lenticelama i malo dlakava, iznutra je žuta.


Frangula alnus Mill. | Plants of the World Online | Kew ...

Frangula alnus Mill. This species is accepted, and its native range is Europe to Central Siberia and Xinjiang, NW. Africa. Descriptions Images Distribution Accepted Infraspecifics Synonyms Other Data Bibliography Sources Descriptions According to Universidad Nacional de Colombia [UNAL] Vernacular Alder bucktorn, Frangula glossy bucktorn SP HC LAA


Frangula alnus Mill., 1768 - Bourdaine, Bourgène - Overview

Download TAXREF. Frangula alnus Mill., 1768. Bourdaine, Bourgène ( French ) (Equisetopsida, Rosales) Access to the 72962 data on distribution. Sources of the 279 datasets. Assessed species.


Comparative IR-spectrophotometry of laxatives Frangula ...

of Frangula alnus Mill. And of fruits of Rhamnus cathartica L. using ratios of "raw material - finished product" 1:3. The volume of extractant to produce a given volume of the finished product was determined taking into account the water absorption coefficient, which is 2.2 ml/g for the bark of Frangula alnus Mill.



Frangula alnus Mill. La frangula alnus mill ou la bourdaine est originaire d'Europe et du nord-est des états-Unis, la bourdaine pousse essentiellement dans les zones […] Sauvages comestibles. Lire la suite. Betula alba.


Toxicity and antioxidant capacity of Frangula alnus Mill ...

In the present study toxicity of Frangula alnus Mill. bark, widely used as laxative, was investigated. Human peripheral blood lymphocytes (HPBLs) were treated with F. alnus bark extract or emodin (emodin is bark component with laxative property), and cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and parameters of oxidative stress were assessed.


TROLLHEGG - Frangula alnus

Frangula alnus Mill. Rhamnus frangula L. NAVN PÅ ANDRE SPRÅK. SVENSK: Brakved / Brake. DANSK: Tørst / Almindelig tørstetræ. ISLANDSK: Hrökkviður. FINSK: Korpipaatsama / Paatsama. ENGELSK: Alder buckthorn / Black aldertree / Arrowwood / Black dogwood / Glossy buckthorn / Berry-bearing alder. TYSK: Faulbaum / Pulverholz / Brechwegdorn ...


Scheda IPFI, Acta Plantarum Frangula_alnus

Indice dei nomi botanici. Come citare questa pagina: Acta Plantarum, 2007 in avanti - "Frangula alnus Mill.- Scheda IPFI, Acta Plantarum ".


Frangula alnus Mill. - GBIF

Frangula alnus Mill. Common names. Almindelig tørst in Danish. European alder buckthorn in language. Faulbaum in German. Faulbaum in German. Tørst in Danish. alder buckthorn in English. alder buckthorn in language.


Toxicity and antioxidant capacity of Frangula alnus Mill ...

In the present study toxicity of Frangula alnus Mill. bark, widely used as laxative, was investigated. Human peripheral blood lymphocytes (HPBLs) were treated with F. alnus bark extract or emodin (emodin is bark component with laxative property), and cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and parameters of oxidative stress were assessed. Also, polyphenol content of bark extract …


Frangula alnus Mill., 1768 - Bourdaine, Bourgène-Présentation

Présentation de Frangula alnus (Bourdaine, Bourgène) : noms scientifiques et vernaculaires, statut de protection (listes rouges, réglementations), statut biologique en France Métropolitaine, données historiques et contemporaines.


Faulbaum – Inhaltsstoffe, Wirkung und Anwendung – Heilpraxis

Sandra Radić Brkanac, Marko Gerić, Goran Gajsk et al.: Toxicity and antioxidant capacity of Frangula alnus Mill. bark and its active component emodin; in: Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology ...


Toxicity and antioxidant capacity of Frangula alnus Mill ...

In the present study toxicity of Frangula alnus Mill. bark, widely used as laxative, was investigated. Human peripheral blood lymphocytes (HPBLs) were treated with F. alnus bark extract or emodin (emodin is bark component with laxative property), and cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and parameters of oxid …


Frangula alnus - Forest

Alder buckthorn (Frangula alnusMill. syn. Rhamnus frangula L.) is a shrub commonly 4-5 m tall, which can develop with age into a small tree up to 7 1, 2m in height . Branches are multi-stemmed, not very regular and arranged in alternate pairs. The bark on young shoots is green, becoming grey-brown.


Vuilboom (Sporkehout) (Rhamnus frangula (L.)/Frangula ...

Vuilboom (Sporkehout) (Rhamnus frangula (L.)/Frangula alnus (Mill.)) Dominique Honnay December 10, 2016 Vuilboom, Sporkehout. Relevante planteninfo. Hier bespreken we de méést voorkomende inheemse soort. Behoort tot de wegedoornfamilie (Rhamnaceae). Wereldwijd zijn er ongeveer 150 soorten.


Bourdaine — Wikipédia

Frangula alnus Frangula alnus Bourdaine Classification Règne Plantae Division Magnoliophyta Classe Magnoliopsida Ordre Rhamnales Famille Rhamnaceae Genre Frangula Espèce Frangula alnus Mill., 1768 Classification phylogénétique Classification phylogénétique Ordre Rosales Famille Rhamnaceae Bourdaine La Bourdaine ou Bourgène (Frangula alnus) est un …


Frangula alnus Mill.

Frangula alnus Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. 8 This name is reported by Rhamnaceae as an accepted name in the genus Frangula (family Rhamnaceae ). Description Distribution map Included Subspecies Synonyms Nationally Preferred Names Other Local Names Bibliography Cite taxon page as 'WFO (2021): Frangula alnus Mill.


Fytotherapie - Vuilboom - Frangula alnus Mill. - Kruiden ...

Fytotherapie - Vuilboom - Frangula alnus Mill. Home Fytotherapie > > > > Over Contact Terug naar spijsvertering A-Z Terug naar Fyto A-Z. Zoethout - Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Belangrijkste inhoudsstoffen: saponinen, flavonoiden, bitterstoffen, coumarine Eigenschappen Anti-inflammatoir Analgetisch (pijnstillend) ...


Kruszyna pospolita – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Kruszyna pospolita (Frangula alnus Mill.) – gatunek krzewu należący do rodziny szakłakowatych (Rhamnaceae).W Polsce występuje pospolicie na całym niżu i w niższych położeniach górskich. Inne nazwy: szakłak kruszyna, troszczyna, wilczyna.Status gatunku we florze Polski: gatunek rodzimy


Frangula alnus - Forest

Alder buckthorn (Frangula alnus Mill. syn. Rhamnus frangula L.) is a shrub commonly 4-5 m tall, which can develop with age into a small tree up to 7 1, 2m in height . Branches are multi-stemmed, not very regular and arranged in alternate pairs. The bark on young shoots is green, becoming grey-brown. Buds are naked, consisting

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